【The School of Life】What is philosophy for?哲学是为了什么而存在?哲学的意义? 95 0 07:41 App 【Understanding“A good man is hard to find”】《好人难寻》文章解读 25 0 03:37 App 【The School of Life】Political Theory-亚当·斯密 94.0万 255 00:46 App [艺术一分钟]帅哥为何被人谋杀? 5...
Every human being aspires to live a good life. The problem is, we all define the phrase “good life” differently. Some are looking to live an honest life, full of integrity, joy and happiness. Others seek wealth, social status and fame, as they hope these aspects will help them to l...
(1)B.根据后文The word"philosophy"comes from Greek,meaning"love of wisdom(智慧)."It is the study of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life.It studies basic questions about the world and ourselves."哲学"一词来自希腊语,意为"对智慧的热爱"。它是对宇宙和人类生活的本质和...
What is your definition of "the good life?" Would you say that you live a "life above zero?" Explain your answer.Socrates:Socrates was a highly influential Greek philosopher who taught Plato, another giant of philosophy. Socrates is most known for his ...
good. pp.10.)【政治哲学与哲学】“如果人们把获得有关好的生活、好的社会的知识作为他们明确的目标,政治哲学就出现了。”【2】(If the directedness becomes explicit, if men make it their explicit goal to acquire knowledge of the good life and of the good society, political philosophy emerges. pp...
What is a good life according to Confucius?Answer and Explanation: There are many translations and definitions, as this philosophy evolves through the years, but most scholars agree on these components: Be dutiful and responsible, to your family, society and employer; work hard at your occupation...
What is the Good of Philosophical History?1 One can find at many universities scholars who style themselves historians of some sort, who are nevertheless not employed in History departments – the historians of philosophy that no self-respecting Philosophy department can be without. Such creatures ...
What is the good life?Catholic TraditionContemporary PhilosophyGeneral InterestThe article reviews the book "What Is the Good Life?" by Luc Ferry, translated by Lydia G. Cochrane.Mansini,GuyNeuroethics
Professors Besser and Oishi make the case for a psychologically rich life in a paper that has just appeared in the journal Philosophical Psychology. But is this a life that most people would actually want, or is it just for the sort of people who write philosophy articles? To find out, th...
Although the study of philosophy may not yield "the meaning of life, the universe and everything", many philosophers believe that it is important that each of us examines such questions and even that an unexamined life is not worth living. It also provides a good way of learning to think ...