Endowed with an intuition that is impossible to challenge. Kind of makes them into a human lie detector. They can fall into gloomy states from where it is difficult to get them out of. Y Letter Y Meaning Of HbybIndependence is the hallmark of people who have an Y in their name. If ...
” This short paper has been taken from the forthcoming book by Alma Harris and Linda Lambert. It is the introductory chapter of Building Leadership Capacity for School Improvement, in full, and is due to be published, by Open University Press, in January 2003. The book studies alternative, ...
-- Fort Collins, Colo., population 150,000, is trying to do something that no other community of its size has ever done: transform its downtown into a net zero energy district, meaning it will consume no more energy in a given year than it generates. Colorado City aims for NZE ...
Making meaning of our cultural products: how can Africa take more responsibility for its cultural products and what are the pragmatic means for ensuring that the wealth of cultural knowledge the continent possesses is utilised in development strategies? These were some of the questions that underlined...