Furthermore, occluded matrix proteins have profound effects on material properties of the mineral, including elasticity and hardness. One gene鈥搊ne protein approaches use cDNA cloning techniques to identify and characterize matrix proteins, which are very difficult to study by conventional biochemical ...
seems to be connected; it is species non-specific, but further research is necessary. Their toxin relations are unknown. DI, FDK, and DON should be checked as they serve as the basic data for the risk analysis of cultivars. A better understanding of the multitoxin risk is needed regarding...
Our main findings suggest that convergence in the EU is still present at different regional levels, but its speed is slowing down. Total EU disparities were decreasing mainly because of reducing disparities between member states. At the same time, in the majority of EU member states, old and ...
Triosephosphate isomerase gene characterization and potential zoonotic transmission of Giardia duodenalis More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ FHHN FHHP FHHR FHHRL FHHS FHI FHIA FHIAP FHIAS FHIC FHIE FHIF FHIG FHIMA FHIMSS FHIN FHINC FHIO FHIP FHIPD FHIPI FHIR FHIS FHISC FHIT FHJ ...
The library support of Cell Ranger 7.1 and previous versions is summarized in the tables below. Single Cell Gene Expression SolutionCR 7.1CR 7.0CR 6.1CR 6.0CR 5.0CR 4.0CR 3.1CR 3.0CR 2.2 3’ Gene Expression v2 Libraries 3’ Gene Expression v3 Libraries ...
In summary, we identifiedMAGVas the causative agent of a human febrile infection in Peru and showed that the virus associated with this infection is highly similar to the prototypeMAGVisolate, suggesting that other viruses of this lineage also might have pathogenic potential in humans. ...
13 Regulation and Function of the HSP70 Multigene Family of Saccharomyces cerevisiae I. INTRODUCTION hsp70 is the most abundant heat shock protein in many organisms. Escherichia coli contains a single HSP70 gene, dnaK, which is expresse... EA Craig - 《Stress Proteins in Biology & Medicine》 被...
The functions of actin and its motor proteins myosins in the cytoplasm have been the subject of research for more than 100 years, but the existence and fun
The worldwide prevalence of Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been constantly increasing in the last decades. With rising life expectancy, a longer disease duration in PD patients is observed, further increasing the need and socioeconomic importance of adequate PD treatment. Today, PD is exclusively ...
In Drosophila, the detection of transposition associated to different stresses is not easy owing to the difficulties of detecting residual polymorphisms. Moreover, the most widely used techniques as in situ hybridization cannot detect transposition in regions close to the original copy, or transpositions...