Congress passed the Fair Housing Act in 1968 as Title VIII of the Civil Right Act of 1968 to protect the interests of people from different ethnicities, religions, or genders, or country of origin. Twenty years later, the Act was updated by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 which ...
The Fair Housing Act is also known as Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. It is technically part of that larger piece of legislation. The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was meant to be a follow-up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on Apr...
While specific cases of this have been found to have breached the Equality Act in court, the new law will explicitly ban these forms of discrimination "to ensure fair access to housing for all".
Make surethe landlord/owner of the property is aware of the Fair Housing Act rulesand the penalties that may ensue if they fail to comply. Many landlords are often just unaware of the laws that cover them. It is always helpful to engage in a constructive dialogue with the landlord before ...
Find out who is protected by the federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, how to spot housing discrimination and ways to report it.
The Modern Law ReviewDriscoll J (1997) `What is the Future for Social Housing: Reflections on the Public Sector Provisions of the Housing Act 1996', The Modern Law Review 60(6): 823-839.Driscoll, J. (1997) `What Is the Future for Social Housing: Reflections on the Public Sector ...
Housing Is Pricey Like other highly desirable tech hubs across the U.S., expect housing costs, and the generalcost of living, to be higher than the average city. What surprises people most when they start planning their move to the Seattle area? “The biggest thing is the sticker shock,”...
Previously, you were required to start taking withdrawals from atraditional IRAby April 1 of the year after you turned age 70 1/2. These withdrawals are known as required minimum distributions. “One benefit of the law is the extension of required minimum distributions from the age of 70 1/...
The Department of Justice can file lawsuits under ECOA (and theFair Housing Act, if the discrimination involves mortgages) where there is a pattern or practice of discrimination.2 Various federal agencies enforce ECOA, including theConsumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB), the FDIC and the Office...
Under the mandate of theHousing and Economic Recovery Act(HERA) of 2008, the conforming loan limit is adjusted every year to reflect changes in the average price of a home in the United States.1The annual limit is set by Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s federal regulator, theFederal Housi...