WikiMatrix United States federal courts have repeatedly enforced the Fair Housing Act, which forbids discrimination against any person because of race, colour, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin. 美国的联邦法院一再强制执行公平住房法案;该法案禁止因种族、肤色、宗教、性别、...
“Rather it is totalitarian in its essence, a device for getting people to act against their beliefs by substituting new and better beliefs through the top-down controlled and leveraged application of social pressure, which among other things eliminates the position of the spectator. The integrity ...
Looking back, I found being a bottom 50% income earner to be enjoyable, even though I knew what it was like to earn much more. Not only did I pay a reasonable amount of income taxes, but I also gained a newfound sense of freedom. Instead of rushing to catch a flight on Sunday afte...
This race will be remembered for a lot of things. One is the involvement of James Comey at several points along the way creating openings for Trump to attack Hillary. The leaks of HRC staff emails from John Podesta from Wikileaks. These leaks chronicled a good number of criticisms of Clinto...
Did you lose your job due to the pandemic? Maybe you don't NEED a job but are looking for other opportunities. If either is the case, mark the date of July 29th from 10 am to 1 pm to attend the Benton Franklin Workforce Development Council Virtual Job Fa
Orange County's Seal Beach is a Los Angeles suburb has top-notch schools, and a comparatively affordable housing market. Retirees and young families alike flock to the beach town, which has maintained an old-fashioned, small-town vibe (particularly in the Old Town neighborhood) with plenty of...
The Russians were directly involved in degrading Clinton and they had an accomplice in Wikileaks. This wasn’t a good thing, but where the mails came from was never the story. No, the only offset to the stream of bad news from that source would have been a counter-attack. I would love...