Twitter Google Share on Facebook fair game Thesaurus Financial Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia n 1.a legitimate object for ridicule or attack 2.(Hunting)huntingarchaicquarry that may legitimately be pursued according to the rules of a particular sport ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook fair's fair (redirected fromfair is fair) A phrase used when one is emphasizing their belief that some situation or arrangement is fair for both or all parties involved.Come on, you need to watch the kids...
1963年公平薪酬法案是一个修正公平劳动标准法(英语:Fair Labor Standards Act)的美国劳动法案(英语:United States labor law),其目的是废除薪酬方面的性别歧视(参见性别薪酬差异(英语:Gender pay gap))。 LASER-wikipedia2 SOCR enforces Seattle ordinances that list the protected classes of age (not applicab...
Fair Housing Act of 1968 Fair Labor Standards Act Fair Market Value Fair Prices fair rent fair trade laws fair trial Fair Use Fairness Doctrine Fair-Trade Laws Fake ID confiscated fale police report fall in Falsa demonstratio non nocet falsa demonstratio non nocet cum corpore constat Falsa ...
“Rather it is totalitarian in its essence, a device for getting people to act against their beliefs by substituting new and better beliefs through the top-down controlled and leveraged application of social pressure, which among other things eliminates the position of the spectator. The integrity ...
While their high income serves as a reward for their hard work, they often find themselves heavily taxed for their efforts. After working 12-hour-days for 20 consecutive days healing people, you might not be pleased with forking over more money to the government than you get to keep!
Looking up 'reciprocity' on Wikipedia provides a bewildering number of definitions and usages across many disciplines, which might say more about the contemporary academic tendency to create—borrow—terms across disciplines in order to create 'new' concepts. Compare this with the entry in the ...
“Miguel Covarrubias,” Kurt Heinzelman (ed),The Covarrubias Circle: Nickolas Muray’s Collection of Twentieth-Century Mexican Art, University of Texas Press, 2004. “Illustration: The Genius of Miguel Covarrubias,”,Monday, May 14, 2007. ...
Blue Ribbon: A Social and Pictorial History of the Minnesota State Fair. By Karal Ann Marling (St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1990. 328 pp.) Introduction: The appointment of special interest councillors in terms of section 4A of the Urban Councils Act has encountered ...
Fairness in Asbestos Resolution Act of 2003 Fairness in Media Fairness in Procurement Alliance Fairness in Set-Aside Procurement Coalition Fairness opinion Fairness Round-Trip Time Fairness to Contact Lens Consumer Act Fairness, Race Awareness and Equality Fife ...