== is the type-converting equality operator. It converts types for the check if necessary and then checks strict value equality. === is the strict equality operator. Variables are only equal if they have the same type and the same value. yes but even if the data value is the same, if...
If you use for...of to traverse an array, the returned result is the element value of the array; 3. Similarities and differences between for...in and for...of (1) The same point Both for...in and for...of can be used to traverse an iterable object, such as Array, Map, Set,...
Unfortunately, this is exactly what the install script does nanorc/nanorc Lines 38 to 39 in 1aa64a8 include "~/.nano/javascript.nanorc" include "~/.nano/js.nanorc" So we have fixed it in galenguyer#24Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account...
Learn about the difference between '$(this)' and 'this' in jQuery/JavaScript respectively.Submitted by Pratishtha Saxena, on December 18, 2022 $(this)When we talk about $(this), then it is used to represent the latest element that has been targeted or pointed to. Say, we work with a...
But when I try to require the same, it throws an error: const process = require('node:process'); Error: Cannot find module 'node:process' I am curious as to what is the difference between process, which works in both, commonjs and module, vs node:process. Also, a follow-up, I ...
Employee.prototype.getNameAndJobType = function(){ return this.fname+” “+this.lname+” “+this.jobType; } Pros 1. You don’t need to create Person instance for every subclass of Person 2. constructor of Employee’s instance is returned as Employee. Bingo!
What is the difference between these various uses of the "&&" logical operator? From Oliver Steele's Functional.js library. Line 4, "args.length && arg": 0 Function.prototype.partial = function(){ 1 var fn = this, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); 2 return funct...
C# Thread: What is the difference between Task.WaitAll & Task.WhenAll c# threading, changing label C# Throwing Exceptions while returning a type C# Timers do they cause the application to slow down. C# to check .xls and .xlsx Files C# to Check if folder is open C# to check if Workbook...
Understanding the difference between anAPI(Application Programming Interface) and anSDK(Software Development Kit), and knowing when to provide each, is incredibly important for fostering a developer ecosystem. In the modern development landscape, these two tools and thesynchronicity between themare the ...
It was blank. I set it to /usr/lib/node_modules, I am not sure, but as far as I can remember, setting it had no effect (npm install -gworked the same way). So it occurs to me that if I set it to/usr/local/lib/node_modules, uninstall the old modules and set it back to/...