In JavaScript, "==" and "===" are comparison operators used to compare values or variables. The main difference between them is that "==" (double equals) checks for equality of values, whereas "===" (triple equals) checks for both equality of values and types. When using "==" to ...
What is the difference between == and === in JavaScript?Craig Buckler
It is quite common to confuse null and undefined, but there is an important difference between them. null Simply put, null is a JavaScript keyword that indicates the absence of a value. Surprisingly, if you run the following in your firebug console: console.log( typeof null ), you will ...
In JavaScript, var, let, and const are used to declare variables, The main difference are as follows. Scope var: Variables declared with var are function scoped. They are visible throughout the whole function in which they are declared. If declared outside any function, they become global...
3. Similarities and differences between and for...of (1) The same point Both and for...of can be used to traverse an iterable object, such as Array, Map, Set, arguments, etc.; (2) Differences can be used to traverse an ordinary object directly, whil...
=== is used for checking strict equality, both type and value are checked. == Performs type coersion, i.e, 2 values are compared only after converting them into common type first one says: hey, A equals B (Just value, no matter if A is a string and B is a number) and the secon...
What is the difference between a statement and an expression in JavaScript? I seem to know the answer to this question, but when I try to explain it to others, I'm at a loss for words. I have a feeling about this question, but can't articulate it clearly. ... ©xgqfrms 2012-2021 发布文章使用:只允许注册用户才可以访问! 原创文章,版权所有©️xgqfrms, 禁止转载 🈲️,侵权必究⚠️!
JavaScript also provides two other methods to invoke that function: getName.apply() You might ask what is the difference between the two? Does one provide better performance than the other? Is one better to use than the other?
the output given by === is more precise than the == in JavaScript 24th Jul 2018, 3:56 PM yuvan bajjurla + 2 == checks both values are equal or not. and === checks both are equal or not and also types are equal or not example var x=5; x =='5'; it will return true...