(redirected fromZionism/Zionist) Category filter: AcronymDefinition ZZulu ZImpedance ZGMT / UTC(logging abbreviation) ZEffort(US DoD) ZZone ZSpeed Rating(department of transportation maximum tire speed rating of 149+ MPH) ZZero ZZoloft(anti-depressant) ...
was not invented by Herzl in the 1800's AD. This is not a Zionist doctrine. This is a Torah doctrine. Also politics and religion are not two separate things in Torah. In torah the politics is the religion and commandments, and statutes, feasts, etc. of Torah. They cannot be separated...
While he offers his own definition of Zionism, which is that Zionism is “in essence and practise the belief that Jews have the right to a nation-state in historic Palestine that is majority Jewish,” Salaita reminds us not to let the difficulty of pinning down the ‘right’ definition pull...
What is liberal imperialism? What was one goal of the populist party? What does a Republican government mean? What did the Nazi Party believe? What was the Nazi Party? What is the definition of political liberty? What is the Likud Party?
The Transgender Movement is a campaign to simultaneously increase understanding about what it means to be transgender and to ensure the rights of... Learn more about this topic: Transgender Rights Movement in US | Definition, Law & History ...
Back then, Stern Gang and Haganah Zionist terror cells operating in the British Mandate of Palestine, slaughtered Palestinian families, seized their olive and pistachio groves and moved into their deeded houses, all with the backing of President Harry Truman and the US government… The founding of...
Covid in Italy, the never-ending State of Emergency and the “othering” of dissent Moni Ovadia’s attack: “Israel’s policy is nefarious, it exploits the Shoah” Covid Italy: no mourning allowed during “shopping therapy” Italian hostage liberated, and the melodrama against her begins...
During this time period the definition of “science” began to evolve from a meaning that historically was synonymous with “knowledge” and “philosophy” and began to limit its study to strictly thebiosof life, concerning only the physical life between our physical birth and physical death, and...
The idea that this was a Zionist plot is nothing more than victim blaming by building an antisemitic conspiracy theory. In order to counter all these lies, we need to arm ourselves with the truth. So what happened to all the Jews in Arab lands really? The truth is an escalating anti-Je...
By 1914, a majority of the world’s countries had been colonized by Europeans. Colonialism Definition In essence, colonialism is an act of political and economic domination involving the control of a country and its people by settlers from aforeign power. In most cases, the goal of the coloni...