This is 1900 BC Torah doctrine. This was not invented by Herzl in the 1800's AD. This is not a Zionist doctrine. This is a Torah doctrine. Also politics and religion are not two separate things in Torah. In torah the politics is the religion and commandments, and statutes, feasts, etc...
What is the name of the Jewish religious text? The Torah The Bible The Qu'ran The Sutras Create your account to access this entire worksheet A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams, quizzes & worksheets Access to all video lessons Quizzes, practice exam...
What is the Zionist Movement? The Jewish Diaspora: In the 1st and 2nd centuries CE, Jewish revolts against the Romans led to increased Roman control over Jewish holy cities like Jerusalem and the eventual expulsion of the Jewish people from the region. Jewish communities were established across ...
I understand the motivation of the supporters of the First Principle Project, and I even agree that creatures other than humans have inherent worth. And yet I think that this suggested change is a very bad idea, one that I will work hard to prevent from happening. The problem is that an ...
Back then, Stern Gang and Haganah Zionist terror cells operating in the British Mandate of Palestine, slaughtered Palestinian families, seized their olive and pistachio groves and moved into their deeded houses, all with the backing of President Harry Truman and the US government… The founding of...
Moni Ovadia’s attack: “Israel’s policy is nefarious, it exploits the Shoah” Covid Italy: no mourning allowed during “shopping therapy” Italian hostage liberated, and the melodrama against her begins When propaganda parades as “common sense” Could Italy’s economic policy have contrib...
The idea that this was a Zionist plot is nothing more than victim blaming by building an antisemitic conspiracy theory. In order to counter all these lies, we need to arm ourselves with the truth. So what happened to all the Jews in Arab lands really? The truth is an escalating anti-Je...
What the Gay Lobby and Zionist groups as well as militant secularists and atheists need to realise is we can have a total free for all where we talk to each other like the Third Reich or we can respect behaviours and critique them in a civilised manner. We can’t have aselectivefree...
Isn’t the very definition of insanity to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result? Obviously they don’t pay attention to history and seek to amend their behaviour, or they would stop doing what they’re doing to prevent further “persecution.” However, it see...
The earliest known nominalist in antiquity, Antisthenes developed a logic that “denies rational knowledge and general ideas,”“suppresses all definition,” and “rejects contradiction and error.” He is consequently about as philosophically far from Plato as a philosopher can get. It may not be ...