What is the Braden Scale? The vast majority of nurses use special scoring system to evaluate a patient’s risk of developing a pressure ulcer. The most preferred tool is the Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk. It consists of six categories: sensory perception, moisture, activity, ...
The MNA® is a validated nutrition screening and assessment tool that can identify geriatric patients age 65 and above who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. The MNA® was developed nearly 20 years ago and is the most well validated nutrition screening tool for the elderly. ...
The system automates clinically validated tools: The Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk©and the PUSH Tool for monitoring wound healing Data, images and automatic reports are instantly accessible for review or sharing with the care team via a secure network ...
Currently, there are two main types of VR: purpose-designed Virtual Environments (VE) and Commercial Gaming (CG) systems. Both types of systems can provideaugmented feedback, additional forms of sensory feedback about the patient’s movement over and above the feedback that is provided as a n...