The Braden QD Scale is a conceptually based, pediatric-specific, risk assessment instrument that reliably predicts both immobility-related and medical device-related pressure injuries in the pediatric acute care environment. A revision and simplification of the commonly used Braden Q Scale, the Braden ...
The question that this article addresses is thus as follows: What role do cultural capital, habitus and class play in the responses of the older adults in the research project to the field of contemporary visual art—and are those constructs shaped by aspects of the life course (e.g., agei...
During masturbation, people resort not only to toys but often also to pornography, currently mostly in the form of online pornography (Grubbs, Wright, Braden, Wilt, & Kraus,2019). During the COVID-19 pandemic, this has increasingly been the case, at least that is what the narrative of mor...
2 CE Test Hours: How to Predict Pediatric Pressure Injury Risk with the Braden QD Scale.doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000547662.85215.efE. ContradaAJN, American Journal of Nursing
Borrelli, P.; Robinson, D.A.; Fleischer, L.R.; Lugato, E.; Ballabio, C.; Alewell, C.; Meusburger, K.; Modugno, S.; Schütt, B.; Ferro, V.; et al. An Assessment of the Global Impact of 21st Century Land Use Change on Soil Erosion.Nat. Commun.2017,8, 2013. [Google Schol...