The odd placement is necessitated by the semi-basement’s lower position in relation to the septic tank. Ki-Woo walks in and climbs onto the toilet seat. He continues to fish for a signal when -- BOOYAH! KI-WOO (CONT’D) KI-JUNG (O.S.) You got it? Ki-Jung barges in and...
HealthWatch What is the gut microbiome? Common questions, answered by experts. By Sara Moniuszko Edited By Paula Cohen May 17, 2023 / 6:00 AM EDT / CBS News Gut health has become a huge — and important — wellness topic, and if you've heard anything about it, chances are you'...
Your diet is key to making sure that your gut microbiome is in good shape to support your health. Knowing which microbes are in your gut can help you pick the best foods to eat that feed your microbes. In this article, you can find out what the microbiome is and what it does, why ...
To maintain a healthy diet, avoid filling up on too many processed or sugary foods. Instead, eat a nutritious diet full of diverse foods that are good for gut health, like the following: Whole grains and legumes are a great source of dietary fiber which is important for gut health5,9 ...
We know that supporting our gut health can keep us strong, sane and slim, and that our diet is the best way to do this, but what are the five ks? You may have heard them mentioned before, and increasing attention is being put on the five Ks. These fermented foods help to boost you...
Ross, Martha
Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychiatrist and author of "This Is Your Brain on Food," shared the key elements to include in your diet for boosting both physical and mental health. First up? Fiber. "Fiber is extremely important for your gut health and you can get it from vegetables, berries,...
Nutrilite™ Balance Within™ Probiotic is a dietary supplement that with continuous daily use helps provide your body with probiotics at clinically supported levels for gut and immune health. The probiotic strains in the formula are backed by more than 100 third-party scientific and technical...
Your microbiome is unique to you. So the best way to restore gut health is to first understand the state of your own. “It depends on the underlying biology,” explains Hilary. However, she adds that, in general, the following are some of thebest foods for gut health: ...
Finally, we present the promises and challenges that arise when seeking to incorporate microbiome data in dietary planning and portray the anticipated revolution that the field of nutrition is facing upon adopting these novel concepts. Key points Common multifactorial diseases in both industrialized and ...