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In economics, a sunspot is an economic variable that has no direct impact on economic fundamentals. A sunspot does not necessarily have any intuitively obvious connection to the economy, and may in fact have no logical or causal connection at all, just aspurious correlationto some economic variab...
orsolar minimum. As the first spots of a new cycle appear, they are at the higher latitudes of the Sun, and increase in size and activity untilsolar maximum—the peak of sunspot activity—is registered.
How intense is the convective energy transport in the umbra? What is the best description of sunspot decay – diffusion over the whole spot, or erosion at the boundary? And why is the variation of the frequency of sunspots in phase with the global cyclic variation of the solar luminosity?
A sunspot is a place on the surface of theSunthat has a cool temperature and an intense magnetic field. They are also magnetic structures that appear dark on the solar surface. One major reason why sunspots appears to be black on the earth surface is that the average temperature of the su...
Sunspots range from Earth-size“pimples”to swollen scars halfway across the surface. Sunspot activity generally follows an 11-year cycle, called the “sunspot cycle.” A solar flare is a violent eruption of plasma from the chromosphere of the Sun that is whipped up by intense magnetic activity...
How is the sunspot cycle directly relevant to us here on Earth? What causes a type I supernova to detonate? What caused the collapse of the solar nebula? What causes the northern and southern lights? What causes the magnetic field of the earth? What is the explanation for the pattern of...
What is the outer portion of a sunspot called? Sunspots: Sunspots are exactly what their name implies. They are spots that temporarily form on the surface of the Sun. Sunspots are areas that have a lower temperature than the rest of the Sun's surface. ...
isslowtochange. Theouterlayerofthesunhasadifferentspincycle:25.4days ontheequatorandaweek'srotation;Thepolesareupto36 days.Thisstrangephenomenonoccursbecausethesunisnota solidglobeastheearthis,andsimilarconditionscanbeseen ingaseousplanets.Sointhesun,therotationcycleis ...
Understand what solar wind is by learning the solar wind definition. Discover what causes solar wind. Explore the observations of solar wind from...