Sunspots are temporary phenomena that occur on the Sun’s photosphere which appear as spots darker than the areas surrounding it. These regions reduce the surface temperature which are caused by concentrations of magnetic field flux and inhibit convection. Sunspots usually appear in pairs of opposite...
Sometimes dark spots are formed on the sun's surface (Photosphere), which can be the size of a planet. These spots are called sunspots. They are dark...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer your...
What are large asteroids often called? What is the edge of a black hole called? A loop of gas following the magnetic field lines between sunspots' poles is which of the following: A. prominence B. a ray C. a coronal hole D. a coronal mass ejection E. a flare ...
Are sunspots really black? Sunspots are darker, cooler areas on the surface of the sunin a region called the photosphere. The photosphere has a temperature of 5,800 degrees Kelvin. Sunspots have temperatures of about 3,800 degrees K. They look dark only in comparison with the brighter and ...
These variables are called sunspots because in the past some economists believed there was a correlation between actual sunspots and economic performance. Understanding Sunspots An extrinsic random variable is one that does not affect the theory being modeled directly, though it may have an indirect ef...
Sunspots themselves don’t well up from below, but are a visual effect caused when heat is prevented from doing so.
Sunspots were first observed centuries earlier… temporary, dark spots on the face of the Sun… they’re gaseous, highly magnetic regions that move across the Sun’s surface. Sunspot cycles are at their height every eleven years, and so are aurora cycles. They peak together. ...
A sunspot is an area of high magnetism on the sun’s surface which can release large eruptions of solar material into space called coronal mass ejections, as can be seen in figure 2. Sunspots can easily be seen by scientists from Earth and are identifiable as dark spots on the sun’s ...
Though solar wind was discovered within the last century, life on Earth has witnessed the interaction of solar wind for millions of years. For example, those living near the northern and southern poles may have experienced a phenomenon called polar lights. At the north pole, they are known as...
large,upto50,000kilometersindiameter.Sunspotsarecaused bythecomplexandcurrentlyunknowneffectsofthesun's magneticfields. Asmallareaontopoftheballoflightiscalledacolorball. Thevast,thinmaterialontopoftheballiscalledahalo, extendingmillionsofkilometersintospace,butitcanonly ...