Stormfront’s Nazi Past Was Made Public & Caused Tension Stormfront came onto the scene in The Boys season 2 and got a lot of attention for her seemingly no-nonsense, truth-talking bluntness. Stormfront said whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted and got away with it, all under the gui...
Butcher now knows that Black Noir can be crippled by tree nuts and Frenchie has built a weapon that he believes can cut through Stormfront’s electromagnetic power. Obviously there’s not much they can do about Homelander but for now killing as many Supes as possible is the best plan that...
and she was taken to a list of Holocaust-denial sites, again topped by a page from Stormfront.Her solution: Google should stop linking to these pages immediately. “Google’s business model is built around the idea that it’s a neutral platform. That its magic algorithm waves its magi...
Eugenics is known to have resulted in 60,000 forced sterilizations in the US (haven't seen Canada stats, but it was part and parcel). Imagine the horror.. if it happened to someone you know, someone you loved. Or if it happened to someone.. in your family. Two hundred-thousand+ Jew...