One racist forum,,has attracted a particularly violent membershipfrom all over the world since it was founded in 1995. Anders Behring Breivik, the man who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011, was a member for three years and emailed a racist manifesto to other members just hour...
Stormfront is now convinced that this is exactly the opening they need to build a powerful army that will serve her ultimate purpose of making the white race the masters and rulers of the world. As for the Boys, they are arming themselves to the teeth with all sorts of weaponry to take ...
As for the rest of the lot, I have never heard of them. I'm sure if I dig, I would find something, but I am still trying to get over the Keannu shocker. Geez, so this is what happens when your blood is like a cocktail concoction! > Seriously... You don't know any? Bruce ...