Sure! When talking about hobbies and interests in Japanese, you can use the following sentences:1. 私の趣味は音楽を聴くことです。(Watashi no shumi wa ongaku o kiku koto desu) - My hobby is listening to music.2. 野球が好きです。(Yakyū ga suki desu) - I like baseball.3. 週末に...
趣味は何ですか (Shumi wa nan desu ka)–“What are your hobbies?” 何歳ですか (Nansai desu ka)–“How old are you?” 仕事は何ですか (Shigoto wa nan desu ka)–“Where do you work?”“How are you?” In Japanese“How are you?” in Japanese is お元気ですか (o-genki desu ka)...
Sure! When talking about hobbies and interests in Japanese, you can use the following sentences:1. 私の趣味は音楽を聴くことです。(Watashi no shumi wa ongaku o kiku koto desu) - My hobby is listening to music.2. 野球が好きです。(Yakyū ga suki desu) - I like baseball.3. 週末に...
Japanese Romaji English 明るくて元気な人 Akarukute genki na hito Someone bright and cheerful 面白くて優しい人 Omoshirokute yasashii hito Someone funny and kind 趣味が合う人 Shumi ga au hito Someone with similar hobbies as me お互いに成長できる人 Otagai ni seichou dekiru hito Someone I can...