Shared reading is an instructional strategy that can be used to teach many different reading skills (comprehension, fluency, decoding, vocabulary). It is appropriate for just about any grade level. What does shared reading look like? You can use many different types of materials for shared readin...
来自美国知名大社 Benchmark Education 的原版英文进阶阅读系列Shared Reading Foundations(K-G1级)。据资料显示,这套书被美国36个州幼儿园和小学图书馆列为必备馆藏书,有超过50%的美国小朋友都在读它。同时,它还荣获2015年TCA大奖。 每一本...
Shared reading falls somewhere in between. Students’ Role Out of these 3 instructional practices, the students do the least actual reading during a read-aloud (their job is not to decode, but simply to listen and comprehend). They do the most work during guided reading, as they should be...
Re-read the same text on other days, practicing fluent reading. Echo read, choral read, or teacher reads a page/learners read a page. (This isnotthe time to call on individual readers to read aloud.) Focus on a particular comprehension strategy or word strategy that fits the text. Depend...
2 Thismarketingstrategy(策略)hasbeenseverelycriticized (批判)bymanypeople.Manyfeelthatsuchcrazycommercializationhasdamagedthemeaningof FriendshipDay. 3 especiallythepinkandyellowones.Thedayisobservedwithgreatpleasureandmerry. Ahighlypopularthingconnectedwiththedayisthewell-knownfriendshipband—themodernday symbolof...
This guide walks you through the 11 best marketing strategies plus examples of how to market. Learn how to create a marketing strategy to accelerate your business.
Although you’ve probably seen this term somewhere before, and it’s no longer a mystery for you, this has changed now. It has an additional element – shared media and POEM is now known as PESO. 💡 ReadCreating a Marketing Strategy that Works: Benefits, Steps, Tools ...
The #1 habit of highly successful content marketing campaigns is… A concrete strategy. Businesses need to identify one or two key objectives to base all of their efforts on. They need to target a specific group of people and have clear goals. Content marketing fails when there is...
Certification Microsoft 365 Certified: Endpoint Administrator Associate - Certifications Plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy, using essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration. English...
Close reading is a strategy used to identify themes in literature. It involves analyzing creative work by paying close attention to word choices, use of literary devices, and other patterns to infer the author’s thoughts about their subjects. Take note of something that sticks out to you, lik...