Reading instruction Adapted Shared Reading for Minimally Verbal Students with Autism UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIALOS ANGELES Connie Kasari MucchettiCharlotte AlcestisAuthor(s): Mucchetti, Charlotte A. | Advisor(s): Kasari, Connie | Abstract: Almost nothing is known about the capacity of minimally verbal ...
AdaptedSharedReadingforMinimally VerbalStudentswithAutism by CharlotteAlcestisMucchetti MasterofArtsinEducation UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,2013 ProfessorConnieKasari,Chair Almostnothingisknownaboutthecapacityofminimallyverbalstudentswithautismto developliteracyskills.Sharedreadingisaregularpracticeinearlyeducationsetting...
Shared book reading, also referred to as “interactive book reading,” includes a variety of strategies that adults use when reading to children. Shared reading activities are commonly conducted in small groups or in 1:1 arrangement. During shared reading, adults use a variety of strategies to a...
Background: This research aims at finding out whether: (1) Shared Reading is more effective than Direct Instruction to teach reading; (2) students who have high self- esteem have better reading skill than those who have low self-esteem; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching metho...
Boyd and Rubin (2006) studied reading in the classroom to examine how patterns of teachers’ questions that were based on text versus those based on student experience affected students’ production of extended, dialogic talk. Noticeably, the researchers found out that teachers generate twice as ...
By reading aloud, you’re giving students access to more challenging text (that they often can’t yet read on their own). Shared reading and guided reading are great for working on all skills. They’re “closer” to independent reading, so you’re getting students ready to use these same...
Shared Reading for Older Emergent Readers in Bilingual Classrooms.The article focuses on the shared reading for older emergent readers in bilingual classrooms. Accordingly, children in the primary grades receive the lion's share of attention and resources in learning to read, making young and early ...
This study was conducted as part of a Safe Schools Healthy Students (SS/HS) grant obtained by the school district in collaboration with University researchers. In April, the primary caregivers of all children being registered for the upcoming Kindergarten year (N = 106) were invited to participat...
Allen's work is a timely resource for upper elementary, middle, and high school teachers who are searching for ways to strategically engage their students in reading, particularly for teachers of students who may find conventional print-based materials challenging. Allen's work is a reminder that...
That one example was with fiction, but we do different activities with informational text. Here’s a quick example: Day 1 – Read part of / all of the text. Teach kids how to preview text by reading table of contents and headings first. Day 2 – Reread / finish reading. Focus on usi...