Asana refers to the physical postures practiced in yoga. Derived from the root wordasin Sanskrit, which meansseat, asana is designed to prepare the body and mind for seated meditation. The termasanarefers to the ancient yogic tradition of taking a seat close to your teacher. Beyond the physica...
The five niyamas, or codes of behavior –shaucha(purity of mind and body),santosha(contentment),tapas(self-discipline),svadhyaya(self-study) andishvara pranidhana(devotion to a higher source). The asanas, or postures that Westerners most often associate with yoga practice. They strengthen and ...
but great grip after.)/white yoga mat bag(Color is ivory/natural. The one I happily use. 27″ long, 100% cotton, easy zip, can’t-beat $20!)/white yoga towel(Grippy + soaks like a sponge. Made with 50% recycled materials.)/white yoga block(White yoga blocks are very...
In yoga, samadhi is considered to be the state in which individual and universal consciousness unite. It is a blissful form of total meditative absorption, reached once the practitioner has moved through the preliminary steps on Patanjal’s eightfold path. The spiritual significance of Samadhi is ...
This product is amust have for new teachers. It allows you to easily create your own classes and then track each class. It makes for easy class planning and saves so much time. Enjoy… Sunny Richards-Glasser, Owner Santosha Yoga Teacher Trainings ...
~ Patanjali,Yoga sutras2.41 2. Santosha (Contentment) Santosha is an act of being happy with whatever you have & it’s interpreted as the greatest happiness, the primary joy which can be never be shaken by the toughness of life.
According to the Yoga Sutras, contentment (santosha)—“the ability to be comfortable with what we have and what we don’t have” according to TKV Desikachar—is what leads to true happiness. “2.42 From contentment and benevolence of consciousness come supreme happiness.”–Yoga Sutras, trans....
According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the eight limbs of the path of Hatha yoga are: Yamas– Five social observances:ahimsa(non-violence),satya(truthfulness)asteya(non-stealing),brahmacharya(chastity) andaparigraha(non-possessiveness). Niyamas– Five moral observances:saucha(purity),santosha(contentm...