Here we use a fluid dynamical metric called local wave activity (LWA) to quantify the waviness of the jet stream, or the amplitude of the Rossby waves. Probability distribution of LWA is positively skewed, that is, the jet is modestly wavy most of the time yet there are less frequent but...
This is a standard coastline, yet if this beach has a number of inlets or harbors breaking up its trajectory, it would be known as an irregular coastline, typically of more value to human settlements because of its ability to protect ships....
The Earth is one of the eight major planets of the solar system in the milky way galaxy. This planet is found to have the most suitable environment for a variety of organisms to reside in. There are several layers of different gases and particles which protect the...
The flow becomes more meridional, with big meanders occurring in the longwave ridges and troughs, which then tend to move eastwards much more slowly. Rossby Wave theory predicts this but there is a simple analogy: think of a river's flow weakening as it leaves the mountains and enters the ...