It is found that the fast adjustment due to the coastal Kelvin wave and equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves, and the slow adjustment due to the eastern boundary planetary wave play important roles in the redistribution of the initial anomalous mass, thereby determining the phase and magnitude of ...
Waves, atmosphericSatellite observationsMoisture/moisture budgetRadars/Radar observationsThis study investigates precipitation amounts and apparent heat sources, which are coupled with equatorial Kelvin waves and equatorial Rossby waves, using TRMM PR level 2 data products. The synoptic structures of wave ...
赤道太平洋的Rossby波和Kelvin波 大洋环流和海气相互作用的数值模拟 第七讲ENSO的数值模拟(1)ENSO(ElNino-SouthernOscillation)是一种在年际尺度上的热带太平洋大尺度海气相互作用的现象,主要体现为热带太平洋和大气环流的年际气候异常,并可以影响全球气候环境的变化。数值模拟是在一定的数学和物理定律基础上,利用电子...
It is found that nonlinearities exert a dominant influence on the low-latitude stationary Kelvin and Rossby waves particularly in the vicinity of the forcing region. Our study shows that nonlinear effects on the upper tropospheric response produce prominent eastward displacement of the anticyclonic ...
In the boreal summer, the high SST center in the off-equatorial region can trigger strong off-equatorial moisture pumping from the boundary layer, which enhances the Rossby waves and can simulate the northwest-southeast tilted rain band associated with the BSISO. When the Rossby component ...
This conversion makes it possible that Rossby wave pass through an island in the transient process of an initial value problem. In the steady state, it makes difference on flow resistance between two basin connected by a channel according to its latitude. This property of the waves can affect ...
This paper considers the evolution of a spatially-localized divergent Rossby wave field near the depth jump. If the jump magnitude is comparable to the depth, Rossby waves are fully reflected and a double Kelvin wave is then generated. The Rossby waves and the double Kelvin wave are described ...
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICSErn, M., and Preusse, P.: Wave fluxes of equatorial Kelvin waves and QBO zonal wind forcing derived from SABER and ECMWF tempera-Ern, M. and Preusse, P.: Wave fluxes of equatorial Kelvin waves and QBO zonal wind forcing derived from SABER and ECMWF ...
For instance, along the coast of California more than two-thirds of the semidiurnal and half the diurnal tidal amplitudes can be accounted for by traveling barotropic Kelvin waves. For shallow seas and coastal waters, the Rossby radius is about 200 km. When a Kelvin wave moves through a ...