The pitta dosha Thepitta doshacan be thought of as the faultless balance of two seemingly opposing elemental qualities, fire and water. Together, they are the energetic force that regulates the body’s transformative functions; its digestion, its metabolism, even the body’s hormones are believed...
There are three doshas in Ayurveda: Vata (air and space), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (earth and water). We each have all three of the doshas in our physiology, just in different, individualized proportions. Your dosha is unique and personal to you, like your fingerprint. ...
Kapha —energy that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all body parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immune system. In balance, kapha is expressed as love and forgiveness. Out of balance, kapha leads to insecurity and envy. Everyone has vata, pitta, and kapha, but...
FIND OUT Status Unknown Take these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Vata' dosha. PITTA AVOID PITTA FOODS THAT MAY AGGRAVATE TEETH MARKS / SCALLOPS ON TONGUE EDGES FIND OUT Status Unknown Take these quizzes to find out if you have an imbalance of 'Pitta' dosha. SOUR ...
InAyurveda, there’s an aspect, or subdosha, of pitta calledsadhaka pittathat controls communication between the heart and mind. Sadhaka pitta is essentially the heart asking the mind to listen to its feelings. It’s the heart saying,It’s now time for me to hold the reigns and drive thi...
When out of balance, you can be too competitive, cranky, quick to anger, and impulsive. If pitta is your main dosha, you’re thought to be more likely to have conditions like Crohn’s disease, heart disease,high blood pressure, indigestion, and fever when you are out of balance. ...
Pitta: the hot, wet, summer dosha.Learn more about pitta here. Kapha: the cold, wet, spring dosha.Learn more about kapha here. What are Each Dosha’s Qualities and Imbalances? According to Ayurvedic medicine, prevention is dictated by the unique requirements of your body type. Because we ...
According to Ayurvedic medicine,everyone is uniquein terms of his or her individualbalance between these three energy (or personality) types. Everyone has some Vata, Pitta and Kapha to her or his personality, but usually one or two of thedoshas are more dominantin a particular person — and...
Pitta dosha connects with fire and transformation, and an imbalance in this dosha can cause heat-related issues in the body that can impact fertility. When Pitta is imbalanced, it can cause inflammation in the reproductive system, problems with the menstrual cycle, and difficulty in conceiving. ...
I had always thought I was pitta-dominant, but after a thorough pulse diagnosis, Dr. Parth revealed a more nuanced picture: my prakruti (the dosha combination we’re born with) is pitta-vata. Why does this matter? Because it shapes your personalised treatment and nutrition plan for the rest...