amalaki acts specifically onpitta dosha, and bibhitaki is particularly good forkapha dosha. Bibhitaki is a small brownish fruit that grows on a large tree of the myrobalan variety; it is prevalent throughout India and
Pitta and Kapha) which are the primary culprits in the causation of Hypertension. 3 Dosha balancing diet (good, healthy, fresh and balanced nutrition) – should be taken on a regular basis (predominant in fruits and vegetables). Mainly excessive...
According to Ayurveda, the ancient medicine of India, there are three doshas, or body types. Kapha (K) constitutions have solid builds and a tendency toward obesity while Pitta (P) constitutions are medium-built and maintain the most regular eating patterns. Vata (V) constitutions are thin, ...
Spiritually, tea was believed to be an “elixir of immortality”, an embroidered ideal that suggested its uplifting nature. VATA DOSHA BALANCING – AYURVEDIC TEA The ancient science of Ayurveda believes in three different doshas or dynamic energies – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha –as sustaining the ...
[5]. Charaka Samhitaexplains the specific attributes of a particularDoshaalong with the description of the specific features these attributes produce in an individual. Thus,Vata, Pitta,andKaphahave been assigned with eight, five and twelve attributes(Guna),respectively. Furthermore, each attribute ...
Most diabetic and prediabetic individuals were found to have pitta dosha (pitta controls all heat, metabolism, and transformation in the mind and body) as dominant constitution type. Conclusion: The study results demonstrated significant positive effects of yoga in diabetic indivi...