If you use npx, which is a handy (and the recommended) way to run utilities like create-react-app, you’ll get the benefits of pnpm by using the pnpx command which comes with pnpm:pnpx create-react-app my-cool-new-app Where are the packages installed? In macOS, in the ~/.pnpm-...
Try running the magic command to visualize your TypeScript code as a treemap. You might be surprised what's making it into your build! tsc --noEmit --listFiles | xargs stat -f "%z %N" | npx webtreemap-cli In a future post, we'll look at strategies for reducing how much code yo...
The !whattime extension converts a tick count into a standard time value.dbgcmd Kopiraj !whattime Ticks ParametersTicks The number of ticks.DLLWindows XP and later - Kdexts.dllRemarksThe output is displayed as HH:MM:SS.mmm. Here is an example:dbgcmd Kopiraj ...
This will install the compiler in thenode_modulesdirectory, which you can now run with thenpx tsccommand. For your JavaScript project, you will need to first initialize a node project using the following command to create a package.json file: npm init -y Then you can install the TypeScript...
npx nuxi init nuxt3-blog This will set up a new project for you without any dependencies installed, so you need to run the following commands to navigate to the project and install the dependencies: cd nuxt3-blog npm install And finally, to start the dev server, run this command: npm ...
%matplotlib notebook: You can use this command to display the plots in an interactive window, where you can zoom, or resize the figure. NOTE –New versions of IPython notebook do not support%matplotlib notebookand returns an error: Javascript Error: IPython is not defined. ...
Alternatively, if you’re into terminals and you already have thenpmcommand, you can run: $npx tsc –init$npm i react Well done! You’ve got yourself some over-engineered greeting with optional rendering. Nice. However, this pattern does not always work as expected. We managed to introduce...
From this release on, we have replaced npx with good old require.resolve. This should provide more stability and be more predictable across different environments. Support for monorepos is still work in progress and we encourage you to comment and post further ideas around this topic if you run...
Or run withnpx(only the long form is supported): npx npm-check-updates Usage Check the latest versions of all project dependencies: $ ncu Checking package.json [===] 5/5 100% eslint 7.32.0 → 8.0.0 prettier ^2.7.1 → ^3.0
The main objective of the cdk.json file is to tell the CDK CLI how to execute our CDK code and keep track of feature flags.