1 npx command not found. For reactJS 1 the system cannot find the file npx create-react-app myapp -1 is react build for node 5.0.3 0 `npx create-nuxt-app <project name>` not working: MacOSX -1 How do I launch the browser while running tests in Playwright? 0 npx-create-reac...
1 npx command not found. For reactJS 1 the system cannot find the file npx create-react-app myapp -1 is react build for node 5.0.3 0 `npx create-nuxt-app <project name>` not working: MacOSX -1 How do I launch the browser while running tests in Playwright? 0 npx-create-reac...
之前在node官网,下载node存到本地进行安装(npx默认路径/usr/local/bin/npx),由于不同项目使用node版本不同,所以选择了卸载node安装nvm,使用nvm切换不同的node版本,导致之前可以提交的代码的sourcetree,找不到npx命令。 解决方法:找到npx命令所在路径,并添加到~/.huskyrc中 在命令行中输入 where npx 得到npx的路径,...
Terminal or GUI client: Intellij IDEA Ultimate 2020.3 Husky5.1.3 .husky/pre-commitcontent: #!/bin/sh . "$(dirname "$0")/_/husky.sh" npx --no-install lint-staged Reproductionhere Looks like a PATH issue https://typicode.github.io/husky/#/?id=command-not-found ...
Error message is npx: command not found: cowsay all the time. I'm not experienced in processes and spawning etc. so it's probably a naive approach but when I set shell: true in options for require('child_process').spawn in child.js line 10/11, it started working fine (at least ...
https://typicode.github.io/husky/#/?id=command-not-found # ~/.huskyrc # This loads nvm.sh and sets the correct PATH before running hook export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" 0 回复 有任何...
今晚在学习 Vue-Cli 时, 由于突发奇想想试试最新的 @4.x.x 版本, 但是本地全局安装的脚手架版本是...
如果在新的终端输入 nvm 时提示:command not found: nvm,有可能是以下原因之一: 你的系统可能缺少一个 .bash_profile 文件,你可以创建一个此文件(可通过vi或vim命令),打开复制粘贴以下代码(安装nvm成功后终端的最好3行代码)进去,保存,然后再次运行安装命令; ...
所有安卓的开发环境是要搭建的。具体的步骤请搜索度娘!(配置JDK、安装SDK Manager组件等);...