North Koreas Propaganda By B.R. MyersForeign Policy
For the government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things." Lysander Spooner. Monday, December 24, 2012. It's been a little over a year since I started this blog, and I've had more readers than I expected,...
Often there are words for the same thing, one is Anglo-Saxon and one from the French – like “buy” which is Anglo-Saxon and “purchase” which is from the French. The French word often has more prestige. I: Anglo-Saxon? P: That’s the word for Old English. The Norman Conquest i...
Except for government jobs of course, as they produce nothing.That'smy big worry on the US economy, the government sector is expanding while manufacturing drops. What will China do when people don't accept a dollar a day? They will do what the US has done so well...look for markets...
Hague, The city, W Netherlands; seat of government; pop. 443,845. Also s'Gravenhage.Haifa city, NW Israel; pop. 229,300.Haiti republic, W Hispaniola; 10,579 sq. mi.; pop. 5,862,000; cap. Port-au-Prince.Halifax city, S Nova Scotia; Canada; cap.; pop. 117,882....
north america heat chart - intelligence TMT Energy/Mining/Utilities Life Sciences and Healthcare Consumer Industrials and Chemicals Business Services Financial Services Leisure Transportation Construction Defense Real Estate Agriculture Government Other TOTAL West 537 124 155 131 71 122 67 73 16 8 14 23...