North Koreas Propaganda By B.R. MyersForeign Policy
For the government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things." Lysander Spooner. Monday, December 24, 2012. It's been a little over a year since I started this blog, and I've had more readers than I expected,...
English is such a hodgepodge of different languages – it’s essentially Germanic but a lot of its vocabulary comes from French, and technical words stem from Latin and Greek. This feature makes English fairly adaptable – which is a good thing for a world language – but it causes irregulari...
north america heat chart - intelligence TMT Energy/Mining/Utilities Life Sciences and Healthcare Consumer Industrials and Chemicals Business Services Financial Services Leisure Transportation Construction Defense Real Estate Agriculture Government Other TOTAL West 537 124 155 131 71 122 67 73 16 8 14 23...