Momentum is also growing towards the development of a body of law, rules, best practices and guidelines to prepare operations for climate change and ensure compliance with applicable laws. A developing trend by governments and regulators in advanced economies is the requirement for more stringent disc...
Hope and love are popular themes of literature and art in many human societies. The human physiology of love and hope is less well understood. This review presents evidence that the lack of love and/or hope delays growth disturbs development and maturati
My name is Dan Hull. I practice law to (1) make money, (2) ensure that every day will be different than the one before, (3) use everything I have practicing law so I can feel alive, (4) serve sophisticated purchasers of legal services who "get it"--corporate clients with in-...
a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law. ...
摘要: South Africa has historically been ranked as one of the most unequal societies in the world and, while the country has experienced sustained positive economic g关键词: income non-income inequality DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.1474271 被引量: 127 ...
An investigation into the mediation of disputes in the South African construction industry resolving disputes, namely litigation and arbitration, have led to an increase in the growth of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes within the ... AL Povey - 《Journal of the South African Instituti...
If there is a problem of Cold War in Korea, in Vietnam, in Berlin, our profession is mediation. We try to mediate. We do not use nuclear weapons. We do not use force. If it comes to colonialism, then we fight against it. If America supports colonialism, we will fight America. And...
Substantial progress has been made in the understanding of anorexia nervosa (AN) and eating disorder (ED) genetics through the efforts of large-scale collaborative consortia, yielding the first genome-wide significant loci, AN-associated genes, and insig
The perceived risk is acting as mediator between the antecedents of the financial advertisements and investor intentions has been examined. The results (presented in Table 6) found that mediation by perceived risk for four constructs, i.e., informativeness (t = 0.44, p > 0.01); involv...
Scholarship into the empirical relationship between moral intensity (MI) and ethical decision-making (EDM) offers only equivocal empirical results. This et