Every society has conventions that allow it to function. Some conventions should always be respected, such as driving on the left side of the road, in South Africa and Britain, and on the right side in Europe, America, and most other countries of the wor
Approval for this study was obtained from The Higher Degree Committee of The College of Human Science (CHS), University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria South Africa and The Lagos State Government, Office of The Head of Service for the study to be conducted in the selected schools. A total...
Risk perception influences the perceived salience of various policy issues. In this study, we examine the pathways through which environmental identity inf
2008, 138-[ http://www.aids2008-abstracts.org/aids2008_book_vol2_web.pdf ]O'Leary A, Jemmott J, Jemmott L, Icard L, Bellamy S: Mediation analysis of an effective HIV prevention for Xhosa adolescents in Eastern Cape, South Africa. In Proceedings of ...
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations Volume 20 • Issue 1 Examining the Interconnections Between E-CRM, Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: A Mediation Approach Anupreet Kaur Mokha, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India* ...
Additionally, dropout among first-year students in South Africa was reported to be at 33% (Department of Higher Education and Training,2019). This suggests that students need to actively participate in institutional social activities to garner social support and forge belongingness for academic ...
A perspective from national surveys in South Africa, 1995–2005. AIDS Care, 20(9), 1019–1028. doi: 10.1080/09540120701842738; UNICEF, 2006 UNICEF. (2006). Africa's orphaned and vulnerable generations: Children affected by AIDS. Retrieved January 13, 2016, from http://www.unicef.org/...
2023). For instance, statistics suggest that >40% of left-behind children in rural South Africa and 27% in the Philippines are separated from their parents because of international migration (Fellmeth et al. 2018; Dominguez and Hall, 2022). In developing countries, the physical separation of ...
HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are important public health challenges in the US. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including abuse (emotional, physical or sexual), witnessing violence among household members, may have an effect on sexual behaviors, which increase the risk ...
were selected from the selected regions because co-operatives suiting this study’s demands were available. The co-operatives selected were Aranga AMCOS, Mrimbo Uuwo AMCOS, Marangu East AMCOS, Kikarola SACCOS, and Mamba South AMCOS. The co-operatives selected in the area comprise diverse ...