What is the difference between a shortage and scarcity? What is the Scarcity Index? Who is affected by scarcity? What is meant by scarce resources in economics? What is excess demand and supply? What is food sovereignty? Who does the market favor during scarcity?
What is a land resource in economics? What is food scarcity? What does the term? 'marginal' mean in? economics? What is energy scarcity? Which type of resource is not an economic factor of production? What does physical capital mean in economics?
Spotify’s upside is limited by its marginal costs—that is, the royalties it pays the record labels from which it licenses the vast majority of its music catalog. Despite its impressive continued growth in terms of users and revenue, Spotify’s margins are “at the mercy of the record labe...
His first four counterexamples, in order, appear to 1) assume we cannot make infinite comparisons (i.e., comparisons among worlds that contain infinite value, see Infinite Sin without Equal Sin for more discussion), so we cannot conclude that an infinitely valuable human + human pleasure is be...
But, as industry observer Ben Thompson pointed out last year in hisStratecherynewsletter, Spotify’s upside is limited by its marginal costs—that is, the royalties it pays the record labels from which it licenses the vast majority of its music catalog. D...
1] By bourgeoisie is meant the class of modern capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labor. By proletariat, the class of modern wage laborers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labor power in order to live....
Deputy national leader of the Freedom Alliance party Moses Mzila Ndlovu blamed the challenges of Binga’s education on Gukurahundi, which he said marks the pinnacle of the marginalisation of the Matabeleland region. “The conduct of the Zanu PF in Matabeleland, particularly the massacre of teach...
Moni Ovadia’s attack: “Israel’s policy is nefarious, it exploits the Shoah” Covid Italy: no mourning allowed during “shopping therapy” Italian hostage liberated, and the melodrama against her begins When propaganda parades as “common sense” Could Italy’s economic policy have contrib...
This is an instance of what’s called the Streisand Effect, after an attempt by the songstress to suppress publication of an aerial photograph of her home saw it spread across the internet. All this seems superficially like people-power. But do we necessarily want a world in which, thanks ...
The latter, in Britain, is "the security services, MI5, Special Branch and the secret intelligence service, MI6." Other states have their equivalents (the FBI, CIA, and so on in the USA). By the former, it is meant "the secret state plus the Cabinet Office and upper echelons of Home...