For instance, a sentence discussing "marginal improvements" will have a different connotation than one analysing "marginal propensity to consume." In the former, "marginal" signifies small or incremental, whereas in the latter it refers to a specific economic concept. In summary, whi...
The meaning of MARGINAL is written or printed in the margin of a page or sheet. How to use marginal in a sentence.
The meaning of MARGINAL is written or printed in the margin of a page or sheet. How to use marginal in a sentence.
How to use submarginal in a sentence Except that the yellowish submarginal line is sometimes obscured, the species is very constant in the British Isles. The Moths of the British Isles, First Series | Richard South The W-like angles of the white submarginal line run through to the fringes...
Sample translated sentence: Adapted local breeds in marginal production systems may contribute to seed dispersal and maintain rangeland ecosystems ↔ 边际生产系统中适应性强的地方品种可有助于种子撒播和维持放牧地的生态系统。 marginal productivity +
As translated above, the clause in the first sentence of the visitatio text tells us that “we do not do” something pertaining to the old liturgical use, due to the congestion of pilgrims at the Holy Sepulcher. What exactly was discontinued is not clear from the Latin text. The clause ...