The product of x, a, and a is simply x times a squared. So, there you have it, my friend, x times a squared is the simplified version of x times a times a. This answer is: 👍👎Add a Comment ProfBot ∙ 4mo ago Copy When you see a mathematical expression like "a x a...
The integral of 2 is x squared.Check Answer Q. 2 Which integration is used to find the area under the curve? Responses Indefinite Integration Indefinite Integration Definite Integration Definite IntegrationCheck Answer Q. 3 State true or false. TrueFalse A differentiable function is always a contin...
The set of independent variables of a function is the A variable y varies directly with the square of x. What is the equation relating x to y? Hint: This follows the direct variation model y=kx, but x is squared. Determine whether or not each given subset of \mathbb{R}^3 is linearl...
Neither does big-O asymptotic notation care about non-asymptotic stuff ("stuff near the origin" or "what happens when the problem size is small"): the function 10x² is said to "grow exactly like" 10x² - x + 2. Why would you want to ignore the smaller parts of the equation...
"For large enough inputsize=N, no matter what the constant factor is, if I double the input size... ... I double the time an O(N) ("linear time") algorithm takes." ... I double-squared (quadruple) the time an O(N²) ("quadratic time") algorithm takes." (e.g. a p...
What is the absolute value of a real number? a) limit_{x to infinity} {cos ( fraction {1}{x} ) ^x} b) limit_{x to 0} [ fraction {1}{ln (x + 1)} - fraction {1}{x} ] For what positive number is the square root of the number the same as the number divided by 40?
nvcc foo.c -lnppc_static -lnppicc_static -lculibos -o foo It is also possible to use the native host C++ compiler. Depending on the host operating system, some additional libraries like pthread or dl might be needed on the linking line. The following command on Linux is suggested: ...
From this information, qubit B is processed by a quantum gateU, whose functionality depends on the state obtained from the measurement performed on qubits A and ancillary, according to the following criterion, where I, X, Z are Pauli gates. ...
255 if no result scaling is performed. In order to map the maximum value of 255 to 255 in the result, one would specify an integer result scaling factor of 8, i.e. multiply each result with2−8=128=1256. The final result for a signal value of 255 being squared and scaled would ...
Question: What is the square root of pi squared? Answer and Explanation: ±π. The square root (√) of a numberais numberbso thatb2=a; in other words, a numberbwhose square (the result of multiplying... Learn more about this topic: ...