The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP, lsp) is a concept in Object Oriented Programming that states: Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it. At its heart LSP is about interfaces and contracts as well as how ...
回答2 The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP,lsp) is a concept in Object Oriented Programming that states: Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it. At its heart LSP is about interfaces and contracts as well as...
Interface Sergregation PrincipleSingle Responsibility PrincipleLiskov's Substitution PrincipleCreational Patterns:SingletonFactoryFactory MethodAbstract FactoryBuilderPrototypeObject PoolBehavioral Patterns:Chain of ResponsibilityCommandInterpreterIteratorStrategyTemplate MethodVisitor ...
When performing object-oriented programming, there is a set of five core design principles that are recommended for creating flexible, maintainable architectures known as the SOLID principles: Single-responsibility principle Open-closed principle Liskov substitution principle Interface segregation principle Depen...
Open Close Principle Dependency Inversion Principle Interface Sergregation Principle Single Responsibility Principle Liskov's Substitution Principle Creational Patterns: Singleton ...
Web developers often use Python; it provides modules for working withsemanticsand specifiers similar to JavaScript and PHP. C++ is often compared to Python and other DevOps programming languages; it stands out with its fast execution speed. ...
Web developers often use Python; it provides modules for working withsemanticsand specifiers similar to JavaScript and PHP. C++ is often compared to Python and other DevOps programming languages; it stands out with its fast execution speed. ...