Tokyo Zurich View more → Don’t see a group in your area or region? Considerstarting one of your own. 分享: Subscribe to our blog 在收件匣中收到最新的 Tableau 消息。 名字 姓氏 商務電子郵件 地址 國家/地區- 國家/地區 -美國大不列顛暨北愛爾蘭聯合王國加拿大印度澳洲法國德國巴西墨西哥日本中國-...
Understanding the SDG framework and identifying its inconsistencies can help stakeholders prioritize the goals based on their interconnectedness and develop tools leading to improvements. Setting ambitious future goals to compensate for insufficient efforts in the present is a concept well understood in ...
SDG 15: Life on land Previous article View latest articles Next article Introduction In recent years, participatory planning is receiving special attention in both policy and research discussions on sustainability transitions in the agri-food system, with an important development in the co-production ...
Kenya is overhauling its entire education system, starting with primary and secondary education, and has a dedicated panel working on alignment with SDG4. “This has meant revamping the whole education curriculum and reconfiguring the traditional classroom,” said Professor Laban Ayiro, acting vice-...
UltraTech Cement: As cement is a carbon-intensive industry, UltraTech has integrated low carbon strategy into its business roadmap to address SDG 13 (climate change goal) based on COP21 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Initiatives like cooler upgradation, calciner modific...
Indian multinational Varun Beverages is one of the largest bottlers of PepsiCo’s drinks in the world. Read More Report 18 September 2024 | Impact SDG Engagement Equity, H1 2024 report Enabling and empowering real change Will Pomroy In this report we provide colour on the ongoing en...
However, there is limited guidance about what constitutes a liveable city from a LMIC perspective, with most of the evidence relating to high-income countries, such as Australia. Existing liveability frameworks include features such as public transport, affordable housing, and public open space; ...
This is how the circular economy supports sustainability and sustainable development. It directly or indirectly supports a range of the 12 goals, from SDG 6, Clean water and sanitation, and SDG 12, Sustainable consumption and production to SDG 15, Life on land and SDG 7, Affordable and clean...
Yet the reality is not a post-bureaucratic one. Schools with ‘autonomy’ still operate within the shadow of the state as their autonomy is made conditional on them inhabiting and performing new kinds of responsibilities and obligations, including the role of purveyors of utility, market logic an...
The final chapter in this part, written by Nadh and Bhan, takes us back to Bengaluru in India where intersectional disadvantages resulting from inaccessible healthcare infrastructure and other aspects of social life in a low-income neighborhood are 1 What is an Inclusive City? 9 observed in ...