A flourishing life on land is the foundation for our life on this planet.We are all part of the planet’s ecosystem and we have caused severe damage to it through deforestation, loss of natural habitats and land degradation. Promoting a sustainable use of our ecosystems and preserving biodivers...
A flourishing life on land is the foundation for our life on this planet.We are all part of the planet’s ecosystem and we have caused severe damage to it through deforestation, loss of natural habitats and land degradation. Promoting a sustainable use of our ecosystems and preserving biodivers...
Population increases, industry, urbanisation, infrastructure development and agricultural expansion influence landscapes, lowering total habitat size and quality and resulting in ecological degradation. SDG-15, Life on LandLife on land, aims to maintain, restore and...Küfeolu, Sinan...
View the methodology for Impact Rankings 2022: life on land (SDG 15) The ranking is led by Arizona State University in the US, with the University of Victoria in Canada and the University of Leicester in the UK completing the top three. ...
Credit Suisse is proud to support the Lead 2030 Challenge for SDG 15. The Challenge aims to surface and support impactful enterprises that look to further narrow the gap in achieving SDG 15. Credit Suisse welcomes entrepreneurs with for-profit enterprises that help improve Life on Land, in any...
Protecting Life on Land and SDG 15 To promote sustainable development and combat the decline of the world’s life-sustaining ecosystems, 193 UN member countries came together in 2015 and adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a plan for action to advance social inclusion, economic gr...
Progress on protecting life on land has been agonisingly slow, as deforestation and habitat loss has accelerated, but hopes remain that a step change in global land management can yet be engineered
The demand for clean energy is strongly related with many European and other global legislations and directives. At the same time, clean energy is a vital goal of the United Nations (UN), who proposed the sustainable development goals (SDG). Photovoltaic Panels (PV) are currently considered on...
Arana, ClaudiaBunka Gakuen University, Fashion Global ConcentrationFranco, Isabel B.The University of QueenslandJoshi, AnuskaUnited Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of SustainabilitySedhai, JyotiUnited Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability...