Our Mass formularies for pre-Lent and Lent go back to at least the time of St. Gregory the Great (+604), and certainly before. What was going on back in the day? Plague and famine had ravaged the population. The invading Lombards threatened Rome itself with sword and fire. Both for...
Is it just chance that he illustrates the principle of his explanation by causing a table to turn? Or rather by recalling the apparition of a turning table? This table is familiar, too familiar; it is found at the opening of the chapter on the fetishism of the commodity and its secret ...
Advent, on the other hand, features purple (or dark blue) and pink. (As far as I know, purple is the original color of Advent. But many Christians prefer to save purple for Lent, using dark blue for Advent.) The purple/blue color signifies seriousness, repentance, and royalty. Pink ...
Is Lent a Pagan holiday? What accounts for the differences between Pagan and Christian architecture? What genre is the biblical Song of Solomon? Are wreaths Pagan? Are Christmas trees Pagan idols? What is Celtic mythology? Where did gospel music originate?
Therefore, when Catholic priests modeled Advent celebrations on Lent, they wore rose-colored robes and set the third Sunday of December as the time to remember joy. The pink or rose-colored advent candle is lit on that third Sunday. It’s also worth noting that more so than the other ...
What does it mean to be of the world? First I think it means being non-biblical. When anyone or any group is of the world they are led by the world and the things of the world that are not of God. John makes clear what the world is about, “Do not love the world or the ...
What is it that makes Costco such a shopping delight? Seriously, I could hang out at Costco all day. Without a doubt, I believe it’s the best store for all of your shopping needs, although my wife and kids would disagree. After much thought, I have made a list of the significant ...
Spend this time in prayer, repentance, and reflection. It is a time to do soul-searching, face your challenges and overcome your mistakes. Many Catholics give something up during Lent. However, even if you are not Catholic, the voluntary surrender of a cherished item or pastime can have ver...
1Biblical Mandate Christian churches encourage tithing within a congregation because of numerous Bible verses, which indicate how God is pleased when his followers give a tithe. Some of the verses include Genesis 14, Deuteronomy 14, Nehemiah 10, Amos 4, Matthew 23, and Hebrews 7. Offerings are...
t get me wrong. Testing our spiritual muscles is a wonderful thing to do; it is part of the Christian’s life, in response to the gospel, that we would engage in spiritual disciplines like this. But this is not the “big idea” of the Lenten fast. The big idea of Lent is to ...