LENT, n.The quadragesimal fast, or fast of forty days observed by the christian church before Easter, the festival of our Savior's resurrection. It begins at Ash Wednesday, and continues till Easter.Definitions from Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828....
The meaning of AUTHORITY is power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior. How to use authority in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Authority.
The disposition of the public was (and is) to believe that the whole thing was a humbug, and accordingly plenty of people were found to write in that sense, and the press lent itself to propagate the same idea. The disease, however, kept creeping on, the Boards of Health which were ...
Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
1.(Ecclesiastical Terms) a short passage, usually from the Bible, recited or sung as a response after certain parts of a liturgical service 2.(Ecclesiastical Terms) a psalm, hymn, etc, chanted or sung in alternate parts 3.any response or answer ...
— The Discipline of War - Nine Addresses on the Lessons of the War in Connection with Lent • John Hasloch Potter Read full book for free! ... of the money confided to her than that for which her generous patron had given the loan. However, Lord Steyne was not so rude as to ...
(Placename) the second largest and northernmost of the four main islands of Japan, separated from Honshu by the Tsugaru Strait and from the island of Sakhalin, Russia, by La Pérouse Strait: constitutes an autonomous administrative division. Capital: Sapporo. Pop: 5 670 000 (2002 est). Area...
Love lent me wings; my path was like a stair;A lamp unto my feet, that sun was given;And death was safety and great joy to find;But dying now, I shall not climb to Heaven. [ Michael Angelo ] Thou hadst, for weary feet, the gift of rest. [ William Watson ] These grains of go...
The body of beasts and fowls used as food, distinct from fish. In Lent, the Catholics abstain from flesh, but eat fish. 4. The body, as distinguished from the soul. As if this flesh, which walls about our life, Were brass impregnable. 5. Animal nature; animals of all kinds. The en...
The Bible, Prov. xiv. 29 He that isslowto wrath is of great understanding. (of aclockor the like)Behindin time; indicating a timeearlierthan thetruetime. That clock isslow. Lackingspirit;deficientinlivelinessorbriskness. (of a period of time)Notbusy; lackingactivity. ...