thick texture and nuanced salinity. Spores ofAspergillus tamarii(cultures known as koji) are added to the boiled soybean paste, or the paste is allowed to incorporate natural spores from the surrounding environment to promote fermentation. Instead of being pressed, the liquid is simply collected fro...
Due to its super sour and tart flavor, with incredible fragrance,yuzu fruit is not meant to be eaten as is. The zest and juice are usually used for flavoring in cooking. It adds an amazing flavor to your dishes. Just a few drops can turn an ordinary dish into something of citrus wonde...
At least, we’ve been led to believe that there is. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night’s 2015 Kickstarter began with a video in which one Koji Igarashi shatters a glass of wine against a hard castle floor. Now, with the delayed release of the game finally close enough for its vampiric...