There is no shortage of trendy yogurts at the grocery store these days, from quark to labneh, but not all cultured milk is created the same. Most of these foods have existed for as many as thousands of years, and were often methods of preserving milk. Milk kefir, commonly just called ...
Kefir helps to keep things moving, which is imperative to good intestinal health –clean pipes are happy pipes! Why drink kefir? Kefir is a lot like oatmeal – it’s a powerhouse of a huge variety of vitamins and minerals. Calcium, phosphors, magnesium, folic acid, nicotinic acid, iron, ...
Kefir is made from kefir grains – a live, symbiotic culture which of bacteria and yeasts in a matrix of proteins lipids and polysaccharides. With the grains, you can make your own kefir using milk. Cow’s milk is most often used, but you can also use goat’s milk, coconut milk. Ther...
Kefir water is a fermented, dairy-free, andprobiotic-rich drink made from water kefir grains, and sugarwater. The drink may have originated near the Caucasus Mountains — a region between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. A fizzy drink, kefir water tastes slightly acidic and tart when unflavored...
Get all your kefir questions answered in this comprehensive Milk Kefir FAQ. Kefir is a healthy ancient fermented beverage you can make at home. Learn more!
Kefir is a cultured milk beverage somewhat like yogurt. Many people drink kefir plain, but it can also be used for...
Does kefir help you lose weight? When it comes to kefir benefits, there are more than you can shake a well-populated gut microbiome at. Because the drink – typically made from cow, goat or sheep milk, that gets the funky, fermented treatment – is resplendent in potential wins for your...
Kefir is a versatile beverage that may be enjoyed on its own or as a foundation for other drinks such as smoothies. Because it is also relatively easy to make at home, it is a good alternative for anybody looking for a fermented drink that is both healthful and affordable. Kefir can be...
Kefir is a fermented drink which has been consumed for thousands of years. Itoriginated in the Caucasus mountains in the former Soviet Union where the drink was fermented naturally in bags made of animal hides. ... Two types of kefir exist: sugary, a fermented sweetened water; and milky, ...
Kefir is great because it goes deep into your system and spreads the good bacteria where it can help you most. I can go on for hours about fermentation, gut bacteria and the immune system, but I know people have short attention spans. I’ll make a post about how to make them, the ...