Easter is characterized by some very important days.复活节的特点是有一些非常重要的日子。First, there's Holy Week.首先是圣周。The seven-day period that leads up to Easter Sunday.即复活节前的一周。During this week, Christians celebrate Jesus's life in different ways.在这一周里,基督徒以不同...
No matter what message the narrative is trying to send, it’s important that the “surface story” is strong enough to stand as an enjoyable work of literature on its own. This is the secret to major allegorical works that have survived through the years and been enjoyed by generations of ...
“And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.” (1 John 4:14) I do not see any other interpretation as to what these verses are trying to tell us other...
A great example of faith in action is found inMatthew 9:27-30, where two blind men asked Jesus to heal them. Jesus asked if they believed He could do it, and they responded, “Yes, Lord.” He then said, “According to your faith let it be to you,” and their sight was re...
HISTORY Vault: Jesus: His Life The story of Jesus Christ through a unique lens—the people in his life who were closest to him. WATCH NOW By:Mariel Synan Sign up for Inside History Get HISTORY’s most fascinating stories delivered to your inbox three times a week. ...
b. What does this story say about Jesus? This healing of the blind man occurred on the Sabbath, a day considered holy, a day of rest. However, this story shows that God is not concerned with tradition but is concerned with people. According to scripture, the man is believed to have su...
What is the Real Story about Jesus?Random Viewpoints
COMMENT: The original Greek word inActs 2:31is hades which, as you now know, means the "grave." Jesus' "soul" (body) did not see corruption (did not decompose in the grave) because He was resurrected after three days! Some theologians, however, maintain the tradition that Christ was ...
这是全部圣经中最短的一句经文,见于《约翰福音》第11章第35节。古希腊原文只有三个单词,即ἐδάκρυσεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς。大多数英语版本译为:Jesus wept。汉语和合本则译为:耶稣哭了。短短4个汉字。这4个汉字简洁、美丽而有力,充分展示了耶稣基督的人性的一个侧面。
This conversion story of the Ethiopian eunuch inActs 8:26-39shows that eunuchs are welcome in God’s kingdom throughfaithin Jesus Christ. Understanding Jesus' Teaching on Eunuchs inMatthew 19:12 InMatthew 19:12, Jesus addresses the topic of marriage by acknowledging three types of eunuchs, say...