“No, just you. I made this whole universe for you. With each new life you grow and mature and become a larger and greaterintellect.” “Just me? What about everyone else?” “There is no one else,”I said.“In this universe, there’s just you and me.” You stared blankly at me...
“Man, you really need to chill. That kind of thinking can get you killed on a mountain like this. And what’s with the stiletto, by the way? That isso West Side Story.” He couldn’t resist the reference; he’d been a Jet in his middle school production with a stiletto that snap...
“Ndizi Mbivu na Mzizi” is a Swahili short story that translates to “Ripe Banana and the Root” in English. Once upon a time, in a small village, there was … Read More... The Punishment of the Borrower “Kiama Cha Mkopaji” translates to “The Punishment of the Borrower” in En...
But I see them. I can’t not see them, because they are fucking everywhere. When walking down the street. At the playground. Even in my goddamn back yard. Jesus, may palms are itchy just thinking about them. They have become the most frightening living things to me in my little corne...
作为美国南方文学作家群中的一员,她经常以南方哥特式风格写作,并在很大程度上依赖于区域设置和怪诞的人物塑造。奥康纳的作品也反映了她自己的罗马天主教信仰,并经常探讨道德和伦理问题。其代表作有《好人难寻》(A Good Man Is Hard To Find)、《智血》(Wise Blood)等。她的《短篇小说合集》于1972年获得美国国家...
The meaning of SHORT STORY is an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot.
“Jesus was all virtue, and acted from impulse not from rules.” When Blake asks the prophets, “does a firm persuasion that a thing is so make it so?” The prophets replied, “All poets believe that it does & in ages of imagination this firm perswasion removed mountains, but many ...
I have always liked songs that tell stories. That is why one of my favorite Christian artists is Michael Card. In his collection of stories about the Life of Jesus, he has a song called Scandalon. It is the Greek word for a snare, the part of a trap that snaps to capture you. We...
Dilys Lovell has won the 2024 Shooter Short Story Competition with her remote island tale, “The Bunker”, while Richard Garcka has come runner-up with his crime fiction, “Sphinx Wheels Fright”. While Lovell’s story revolves around a girl struggling with her beautiful yet isolated existence...
Short stories are at the heart of a thriving science fiction community, where readers, writers and editors move between roles and raise each other up.R.S.A. Garcia, winner of the 2024 Nebula prize for Best Short Story, talks us through her five highlights: short takes on big themes, with...