"Quid pro quo" translates from Latin to "this for that." In California, workplace harassment is unwanted conduct, directed at someone else, that is based on a protected characteristic. Those protected traits are listed by the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). They include: ...
Me: Has your house ever been burgled? Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll “You should learn not to make personal remarks,” Alice said with some severity; “it’s very rude.” The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on hearing this; but all he said was, “Why is a ra...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
of course, the aforementioned Penton Street. Interestingly, the (in)famous HM Prison Pentonville, is not located in the area but in Caledonian Road in Barnsbury, some distance to the north.
A smart home is a residence that uses internet-connected devices to enable the remote monitoring and management of appliances and systems, such as lighting and heating.Smart home technology -- also often referred to as home automation or domotics from the Latin word domus, meaning home -- ...
In French, camarade was the word for a roommate or a companion. It you trace camarade back further, you will find that French got it from Old Spanish, which borrowed it from Latin! Camera is the Latin term for chamber, a room where you sleep or spend a lot of time. What about ...
Mansions can vary widely based on size, location and amenities. Learn what makes a house a mansion, how much they cost and tips for buying one.
It’s no wonder that the word “quorum” is derived from a Latin phrase meaning “who.” A quorum is defined as an “acceptable level of people who have a stake in the organization who are present at a meeting to make the proceedings valid for the purposes of the organization.” ...
It is not uncommon for lis pendens to arise in contract disputes, where a buyer feels they have been wrongly excluded from purchasing a home. For example, if buyer A and a seller enter into a contract for the sale of a home and the seller decides to sell the house to buyer B, buyer...
Columns and Your House Columns are commonly found in 19th centuryGreek RevivalandGothic Revivalhouse styles. Unlike large Classical columns, residential columns usually carry the load of a porch or portico only. As such, they are subject to weather and rot and often become a maintenance issue. ...