Ocean Network Express (“ONE”) and Yusen Logistics Co., Ltd (“Yusen Logistics”) are pleased to announce a new agreement for sustainable shipping solutions through ONE's green shipping service, ONE LEAF+. Read more » Press Release
We know not everything is pricing, but we will give you price protection that guarantees that your pricing will not change for the length of our agreement. This ensures you make the revenues you were expecting to make on long term contracts. Read More Outstanding Customer Delivery of Services...
FEFA to sell short-term debt Nemak may shift output to US on tariffs: CEO Gentera units land fresh funding Argentina YPF lines up local issuance Havanna, River Plate plan bond debuts Argentina moves to sell shares in state-owned lender Central America CABEI prices maiden sterling bond...
Exceptions are male names which also have a feminine form; in that case, an entry will also be made for the feminine form. For example: dominus and domina, temptator and temptatrix, etc. All enclictic particles shall also be removed. Thus, enter the term populus and not populusque. ...
Fitch Ratings has assigned Bladex long-term and short-term national ratings of 'AAA(pan)' and 'F1+(pan)'; respectively. > Learn more Bladex successfully leads the first syndication for Banco Guayaquil S.A. December 27, 2022 Bladex announced today the successful closing of a US$89 mil...
(Letters of the Alphabet (Foreign)) another term forRoman alphabet Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Lat′in al′phabet ...
At Latin Metals, we have a long-term vision to transform into a royalty company. This unique approach offers an unparalleled opportunity for investors to participate in the upside potential of mineral discoveries, without bearing the dilution associated with funding drilling and ongoing exploration. As...
Head of HHC business for LATAMatNovonesis Angel Acevedo Villalba PresidentatPeruvian Association of Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene and Domestic Cleaning "COPECOH" Andre Chieffi R&D Senior ManageratReckitt Carolina Velásquez Technical Support, Home Care, Latin AmericaatIFF...
At Latin Metals, we have a long-term vision to transform into a royalty company. This unique approach offers an unparalleled opportunity for investors to participate in the upside potential of mineral discoveries, without bearing the dilution associated with funding drilling and ongoing exploration. ...