What Is History? 作者:Edward Hallett Carr/爱德华·霍列特·卡尔 出版社:Random House USA Children's Books 出版年:1990-8-1 页数:224 定价:GBP 9.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780394703916 豆瓣评分 8.7 61人评价 5星 59.0% 4星 29.5% 3星 11.5%
>我来写笔记 >What is History? 作者:E.H. Carr, Richard J. Evans 副标题:With a new introduction by Richard J. Evans isbn:1349665517 书名:What is History? 页数:240 定价:GBP 11.99 出版社:Palgrave Macmillan 装帧:Paperback 出版年:2017-11-9...
‘What is History?’, asked E.H. Carr in 1961. In the course of his Trevelyan lectures, delivered in Cambridge, broadcast on BBC radio, and printed in a book that has since sold over a quarter of a million copies worldwide, Carr sought to answer this question in a number of ways. ...
1. 历史是什么 E.H.Carr在《历史是什么?》(What is History)中对Popper、Isiah Berlin的史观的批判可谓一针见血(而且Popper先把对象 … www.zmw.cn|基于35个网页 2. 历史是什麽 中兴大学通识教育中心 ... 语言与文化 Language and Culture历史是什麽﹖What is History﹖ 心理学 Psychology ... ...
In 1961, English historian E. H. Carr described history as 'an unending dialogue between the present and the past'. Nearly 60 years later, has anything changed? What does 'doing history' mean today? And what does it mean in Australia and other settler societies, where debates about ...
Ward Times, 'is Facts... Facts alone are wanted in life.' Nineteenth-century historians on the whole agreed with him. When Ranke in the 1830s, in legitimate protest against moralizing history, remarked that the task of the historian was 'simply to show how it really...
WHAT IS HISTORY? E. H. CarrEdward Hallett Carr was born in 1892 and educated at the Merchant Taylors' School, London, end Trinity College, Cambridge. He joined the Foreign Office in 1916, and, after numerous jobs in and connected with the . at home and abroad, he resigned in 1936, an...
英文原版 What is History 历史是什么 爱德华 霍列特 卡尔 现代经典 英文版 Edward Hallett Carr 进口英语原版书籍 作者:Edward出版社:Penguin出版时间:2023年02月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥79.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“瑞雅图书专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。
2.FATE:Theorderoftheprogressionofcyclesisfate,mancandonothingtochangethis MediaevalChristianHistorians Introducedideathathistoricalprocessismoving Teleologicalviewofhistory–meaningandpurposegiventohistory,althoughnotsecular Attainmentofgoalofhistorywouldmeantheendofhistory HistoryisthefulfillmentofGod’swillGodhas...
历史学专业英语02-What_is_History WhatisHistory?DrMarkJCrowleyE-MAIL:MJC83@LIVE.CO.UK Objectives •Studythedifferentinterpretationsofhistory•Understanddifferentresearchmethods•Examinedebatesinhistoriography(Marc BlochandEHCarr)•Understandtheroleofinterdisciplinary history EdwardGibbon(1700s)•“Historyis...