What Is History?的创作者· ··· 爱德华·霍列特·卡尔作者 原文摘录 ···(全部) · 并不是所有关于过去的事实都是历史事实,或者过去的事实也并没有全部被历史学家当作历史事实来处理。 · 豪斯曼的评论:“精确是职责,不是美德。”· 只有当历史学家要事实说话的时候,事实才会说话:由哪些事实说话、按照...
当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《英文原版 What is History 历史是什么 爱德华 霍列特 卡尔 现代经典 英文版 Edward Hallett Carr 进口英语原版书籍》。最新《英文原版 What is History 历史是什么 爱德华 霍列特 卡尔 现代经典 英文版 Edward Hallett Carr 进口英语原版
Ward Times, 'is Facts... Facts alone are wanted in life.' Nineteenth-century historians on the whole agreed with him. When Ranke in the 1830s, in legitimate protest against moralizing history, remarked that the task of the historian was 'simply to show how it really...
2015b)《电脑游戏中的第一次世界大战》( The First World War in Computer Games);查皮安(Champion,2015)的《关键游戏:互动历史与虚拟遗产》(Critical Gaming: Interactive History and Virtual Heritage);萨宾(Sabin,2007)的《失落的战役
in economic development, one who is [...] legco.gov.hk 我想 指出, 我只是要求專員對海 內外的經濟 發 展有深 刻的 認識, 有主持世界級水平 研究的 能力, 以及在國 際商 業社會有廣闊 的人脈 關係。 legco.gov.hk [...] constituencies very often will focus on the specific interests of ...
There is a particularly poignant way to be a social disaster: through over-friendliness, a pattern of behaviour driven by the very best of motives which ends up feeling as irritating as outright rudeness. 有一种特别的方法可以把一个人变成社交悲剧。那就是过分友好,这种行为源自于最善良的动机,却...
Humans may crave absolute certaint;they may aspire to i;they may preten,as partisans of certain religions d,to have attained it.But the history of science—by far the most successful claim to knowledge accessible to humans—teaches that the most we can hope for is successive improvement in ...
Adam Chapman, Anna Foka, Jonathan Westin 导论:何为历史游戏研究?Introduction: what is historical game studies? Rethinking History, The Journal of Theory and Practice. Volume 21, 2017-Issue 3 关键词:历史游戏研究(historical game studies)、历史、游戏、视频游戏、大众历史、挑战过去/多样化未来会议 ...
Adam Chapman, Anna Foka, Jonathan Westin 导论:何为历史游戏研究?Introduction: what is historical game studies? Rethinking History, The Journal of Theory and Practice. Volume 21, 2017-Issue 3 关键词:历史游戏研究(historical game studies)、历史、游戏、视频游戏、大众历史、挑战过去/多样化未来会议 ...