It was under Yosef Yitzchak’s son-in-law and successor, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, that the movement grew from an insular Hasidic sect into the massively influential Jewish force that it is today, in the process burnishing his reputation as one of the most important Jewish figures of the 20t...
What is hostility toward Jews called?Hostility towards Jews:Hostility towards those who identify themselves as Jewish, unfortunately, is nothing new. It has been going on for centuries. They have been blamed of everything from the death of Jesus, whom Christians believe is their savior to ...
ST:It’s a great story about them. They’re first cousins. Eisenman’s mother is the poor one. Jewish family. Meier’s mother is the rich one. So Meier’s mother used to call Peter’s mother all the time and say, “What has Peter done? Richard just won ...
In Allegra Goodman's knowing and very funny novel Paradise Park, the protagonist, a New Agey seeker named Sharon Spiegelman, falls in with a young Hasidic rabbi and his wife. Some Hasidic communities discourage potential followers, but Sharon is singled out for an aggressive outreach effort. ...
What is Hasidic Judaism? What is Hebrew religion and culture? What is a shekel? What is a kibbutz? What is Zionism? What does the American Jewish Committee do? What is the American Jewish Committee? What is Anti-Zionism? What is a Holocaust denier?
Why is it hard to be good? It is a question Jewish thinkers have been asking for more than 1,000 years. While the commandments in theTorah and other Jewish texts are laid out pretty clearly, people often have a hard time following them. ...
What is Jihad? What is a Copt? Who is Salman Rushdie? Discussion Comments Byanon951929— On May 18, 2014 The fundamentalist Christians I have been in contact with all had the same problem of not being able to connect with other people. They did not know how to pick up on common commun...
One very interesting thing occurred with a Hasidic Jew in his late twenties. Now while all Hasidic Jews turn their eyes away from the Cross, and some even cover their eyes, not this one. He first looked at me with his expression inaudibly saying, “There’s power here and this is a ...
1 :a righteous and saintly person by Jewish religious standards. 2 : the spiritual leader of a modern Hasidic community. What is the meaning of tzitzit? :the fringes or tassels worn on traditional or ceremonial garments by Jewish males as reminders of the commandmentsof Deuteronomy 22:12 and ...
To support and maintain the borders that the U.S. carved out, and let the Jews have it - I can live with that worldly definition. There are more Christians and other religions in Israel than just Jews too. It is important to know the worldly definition, so that when you are speaking ...