What is hostility toward Jews called? What do communists believe? What is the war in Darfur about? What is schemata? What is retrospective labeling? What is an animal rights activist? What is medicalization in anthropology? What is transculturation?
Hostility towards Jews:Hostility towards those who identify themselves as Jewish, unfortunately, is nothing new. It has been going on for centuries. They have been blamed of everything from the death of Jesus, whom Christians believe is their savior to multiple societal ills. This has resulted ...
Though not numerically the largest Hasidic group in the world, it is by far the best-known and the most visible thanks to decades of outreach work seeking to bring non-religious Jews closer to their faith. Chabad is unique among Hasidic groups for its eagerness to engage with the broader Je...
Following the example of groups most resistant to the urban monoculture, like the Amish and Hasidic Jews, the Collinses are creating a culture and religion that will help their children resist the pressures that are bringing down fertility rates in most industrialized countries. However, instead of...
Fundamentalism is a strict adherence to a set of beliefs, usually religious. Though fundamentalist beliefs may seem extreme to...
Why do Jews have beards? Many Orthodox Jews prefer to grow beards, for a variety of religious, social, and cultural reasons, even if they believe that electric shavers would be permitted; many Orthodox Jews, even Hasidic Orthodox Jews, today grow beardsto keep the tradition of their ancestors...
ST: It’s how you behave. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do. A very good friend of mine, a Hasidic Rabbi now in Jerusalem, used to give a course at the Spertus Institute here once a year on the Zohar, the Kabbalah. I always used to go hear...
One very interesting thing occurred with a Hasidic Jew in his late twenties. Now while all Hasidic Jews turn their eyes away from the Cross, and some even cover their eyes, not this one. He first looked at me with his expression inaudibly saying, “There’s power here and this is a ...
Hasidic/Hasidim– see Chassidish/Chassidim Hashem– literally, Hebrew for “the name,” as in, the name of G-d. This is how frum Jews will refer to G-d. hashgacha– the way G-d runs the world, or oversees it hashgafa/hashkafa– philosophy, or outlook. Hashkafically, her outlook ...
Mainstream Judaism continues to believe in a generalized Messianic spirit, but also remembers a string of false messiahs (Sabbetai Zevi, who converted to Islam in 1666 rather than be executed, is perhaps the most notable example) and the catastrophes they occasioned. For many non-hasidic Jews,...