Glucose is a type of sugar. As glucose can be made from any type of starch, it may also be made of cereals containing gluten such as wheat. So people who suffer from gluten intolerance should make sure they only eat glucose made from potatoes, corn or other gluten free foodstuffs! By...
A glucose analysis is a type of test that is used to determine the amount of glucose in a person's blood stream at any given time...
There are other natural sugars found in the foods we eat. Lactose, or milk sugar, is a disaccharide made of two simple sugars—glucose and galactose—in a 1:1 ratio. It's found in mammals' milk and produced naturally to provide nutrition to offspring, and in other dairy products, such ...
A boost in collagen may help increase your metabolism byaddinglean muscle mass to your frame and helping with the conversion of essential nutrients. One of glycine’s most important roles is helping form muscle tissue by converting glucose into energy that feeds muscle cells. Remember that retainin...
A glucose meter is a device that uses a test strip to check your child's blood sugar level. You put a small drop of blood from a finger on the test strip. The strip is put into the device. The device then figures out how much sugar is in your child's blood. A continuous glucos...
2-step OGTT: You do not have to fast for the first part of the test. You will have the glucose drink at any time of day. Your blood sugar level will be checked 1 hour later. If your blood sugar is higher than a certain level, another test will be ordered. You will fast and you...
I think that when it was first marketed, fructose and glucose syrup was misleadingly called a sugar substitute, which made people think that they could eat as much of it as they liked and not suffer any ill effects. Well, this is obviously just silly. ...
Invert sugar is a liquid syrup that’s made fromgranulated table sugarand water. It’s created with a process that involves mixing sucrose with water and heating it until the bonds between glucose and fructose break. This process, called hydrolysis, creates a thick, sweetened syrup. With regula...
Rapidly dropping pounds is associated with a loss of muscle mass and other undesirable effects—including looking older.
“carbohydrates”, from bread and mushrooms to pasta and milk. Eventually, our bodies break every form of sugar down into glucose, which we use for energy throughout our body. Glucose is considered a “simple” sugar and is widely known as “blood sugar”, since it is the type of...